Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gone Raw.

Precisely seventeen days ago, I embarked on a new sort of adventure known as raw veganism (I have to keep some form of adventure in my life at all times, for the sake of sanity). What exactly does that entail? Well, let me explain.

For the past seventeen days, I have eaten nothing but raw fruits and veggies, with the occasional nut and sprout thrown in. Nothing cooked. No meat. Dairy. Grains.  Ice cream.

It’s been great fun.

I feel like I have to spend large portions of every day stuffing my face to get in the required number of calories. Fruits & veggies are extremely low cal, so think about it…

Here’s a sample day of food:

10 bananas
2 bags of spinach
1 bag of grapes
2 mangoes
1 head of broccoli
1 avocado
5 pears
1 cantaloupe

This is what I have learned.

1. Eating cooked food keeps you warm in a way you don’t realize until it’s not.
2. People give you really odd looks when you take your lunch break at work and pull ten bananas out of your bag and proceed to eat them, one after one.

3. Staying stocked up on that much fresh produce is impossibly expensive.

4. I like meat.

So. This recent venture will probably end sometime in the (very) near future (unless, that is, someone from a banana plantation happens to read this and decide to start sending me crates of bananas every week…)

But, it’s been a good journey.

Steak, please?