Friday, May 8, 2009


Imagine a world where love is the rule, not the exception.

Imagine a world where beauty takes the place of brutality.

Imagine a world where peace is a reality rather than a dream.

Imagine a world where we are followers of Jesus not only in word, but in action

Creativity and imagination are characteristics of God that He instilled in us when He "created us in His image." They are incredibly powerful gifts meant to be used to love and worship and glorify our Creator, and bring His kingdom to earth.  But throughout history it has been twisted by the devil to be the proponent of so much violence and terror and war and much sick cruelty. How can this beautiful gift from God be used to so brutalize people? We need to take it back; to use creativity and imagination to be radical proponents of love around the world.

Too much of the imagination in this world is used to create violence, while its potential to inspire love lies dormant. 

Violence breeds more violence. 

War breeds more war. 

Violence is never the road to peace. 

Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers." To follow Him is to be a peacemaker. To use our creativity and imagination to learn to love...first Him, and then others. Both the oppressed, and the oppressor.

We need to take back and reclaim the tools of creativity and imagination for God's Kingdom...

To make His dream our own. 

To imagine the world as He meant it to be.

 To create that world within ourselves, and to share it with everyone we meet. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen Hannah. I pray the Lord would continue to give you creative ways to advance His kingdom. You are called to greatness and I can't wait to watch where the Lord takes you.
