I want the fabric of my life to be woven by the skilled hands of the one who created me.
Life is a patchwork of twists and turns, unexpected endings and beginnings, choices and decisions... As I look back over the past year of my life, and in particular the last few months, I am amazed by the Lord's faithfulness to me. I am grateful that I am here, that I am living this reality rather than any other.
Time is a strange thing, one of the most binding aspects of our physical reality.Three months ago, my orderly seam of life was disrupted and I faced a great unknown (which has now become some of the best three months of my life). Three months from now lies another great unknown. I feel like the author of my life is writing with an invisible pen; as I walk, the path appears. But right now, I am directly in the middle. The end of one season, the beginning of the next. The past three months have been extraordinary. Jesus said that He came to give "life, and life abundantly." If I had to sum up what took place in my life since I arrived here, that would be it. Six days from now I will board a plane for Africa to share that life with the masses of humanity, one person at a time.
As I contemplate the next step of this journey, the greatest prayer on my heart is that I would continue to daily "die" to myself, that He would be more in me and I would be less. I have nothing to offer on my own. Throughout the past couple weeks, this realization has been rather discouraging to me at times, and has even made me wonder what I am doing here. But it is not a reason for discouragement; it is simply a truth. It is why I am called (as is every believer) to surrender my life so that through Christ I can truly live, and enable people to see, hear, and touch Jesus reflected through me.
The calling of Jesus is really a rather simple one. To serve. To love. To have compassion. We are not asked to do anything He did not do; but we are asked to do what He did do.... to relinquish our rights and desires, and to live and love in a way that seems like complete madness to the world. It is my earnest desire to remain free from the shackles of passivity that paralyze me from being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world around me, and I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to walk this out.
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