Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"We were made to live with hearts set on fire
exhilarated with the reality of God in our lives."
-Kristin Williams 

In some parts of the world, the forces of darkness are observably in action, and more visible in everyday life than they are in our society. However, I believe that there is a deadly disease spreading through the modern western church, and its invisibility is what makes it so destructive.


Passiveness is so deadly to the Christian's life. It creeps in unawares, and renders a person completely ineffective for the Kingdom.  Not only this, but it robs us of the relationship we were created for: a relationship with hearts set aflame with love for our Maker. 

Where the work of the enemy is not clearly visible, "cozy" Christianity thrives. The enemy seeks to infect the lives of Christians with passivity, causing them to settle for "cozy" Christianity that appeases their consciences and gives them assurance of salvation, but keeps them from waking up to their destiny as radical followers of God. Western society is a breeding ground for this seemingly invisible tactic of the enemy. 

We live in a society where comfort and security are emphasized above all else; we like things to be tangible, so I think we (the church, broadly) have created an image/idea of who Jesus is that we can grasp...an image/idea that enables us to remain passive and live a safe, comfortable life without feeling guilty. We want to have Jesus and a comfortable, secure life. But I am thinking that they are opposites... and we cannot serve both God and mammon. Jesus was a homeless man. He spent His time with the poor, the prostitutes, the sick, the people looked down on by society... He was scorned by the "righteous" people of the day who lived comfortable lives of passivity... and He had some pretty intense things to say about them, what with comparing them to "white washed sepulchers" and such. He was a gentle radical, understood by fools but an enigma to the wise. He was opposite of what everyone expected...and, I think, maybe opposite of the image so many Christians think He is. 

The issue is not about having homes or careers or wealth... it is about allowing passiveness to prevent a follower of Christ from stepping out in action to be a radical lover and servant of God. Jesus needs people who are willing to die to themselves so that He can live and be glorified through them, both in the suburbs of the western world and the slums of Mumbai. He does not promise followers a life of comfort; on the contrary, He instructs them to "crucify" their flesh, give up their hold on worldly security, and surrender everything in order to pursue Him with reckless abandon. 

"If you are living a Christian life that makes sense to your mind, 
then you are not living the Christian life."

I feel like I am waking up from a hibernation that I did not even know I was in, and now am literally starving for more of Jesus. More of His presence. More of His truth. More of His love. I am consumed by a desperation to discover the real Jesus, and to know what it means to be a follower of Him...to follow in His footsteps. To be a radical lover. It has turned my life upside down.

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, 
so that you will know what is the hope of His calling...
And what is the surpassing greatness of His power 
toward us who believe." (Ephesians 1:18-19)

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